I have things to say

Illustration of Lucas Illustrated photo of Lucas
Art Director & Graphic Designer

Statement I’m an accomplice willing to play the game and make rules to break them later. I’m fascinated by the tools with which to be able to create an imaginative, unpredictable and meticulous narrative, that's why design and music are chosen to temper that restlessness. I'm a shy pianist. I’m fortunate to be able to work with people and in places where I have been able to imagine and experiment, both to provide synergies with our environment and to promote design as a social transformer.

I want to learn, every day. My current hobbies include learning German, learning more German and doing a Theater course, obviously in German.


2021 — 

Independent Designer

Full service designer who merges design and storytelling to make experiences that resonate and offers solutions for different challenges. Worked and working with RTL Deutschland, Onogrit Creative Studio, Radikant, Die Junge Akademie…

2020 — 


Working as a designer as part of the global team of Thinkers and Makers. Interbrand is one of the world’s leading brand consultancy, pioneering for over 40 years iconic work and forged many of the brand building tools and processes that are now commonplace.

2017 — 


Full-service agency headquartered in Cologne & representative office in New York City. Specialized in cross-media advertising and branding concepts for B2C and B2B.

2016 — 


The Fostering Arts and Design is an association of designers, architects, artists and craftsmen. It has worked since its foundation in 1903 to disseminate and promote good design practices to improve people's lives.

2015 — 

Dos Grapas

Graphic design studio based in Barcelona that loves typography, editorial design, web design and staples. Dos Grapas design exhibitions in the form of books, spaces, web pages and communication elements.

2014 — 

El Bulilab

Space dedicated to innovation, created by chef Ferran Adrià to work on various projects related to the creative process and the avant-garde applied to various disciplines. Open innovation program whose fundamental pillars are young talent, technology and entrepreneurship.


Colec. Reverso

Collective of young designers who believe in a design with meaning, that expands its limits and approaches the real needs of society. We believe in a collaborative and self-manageable design. The system needs a change, the structure needs a twist, and we believe that designers have to participate actively in this process. We look at the other side of the design. Along with the most talented people: Berta Julià, Martina Nadal and Marta Ribas.



Barcelona School of Design & Engineering. Bachelor’s Degree in Design. 2010-2014.



By Dvein. Experimentation with typography using the resources we had around.

Stenciyl Type

By Laura Meseguer. Creation of a complete stencil typography.


Festa Del Grafisme

Staff member. Edition 2016.


Design and Art Direction. Festival 2019.